
A lightweight image rotation verification plugin.

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# Installation

Add RVerify.js and RVerify.css to your project.

<script src="RVerify.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="RVerify.css"/>

You can get the corresponding CDN link from unpkg (opens new window) or jsdelivr (opens new window).

RVerify.js is available via npm (opens new window).

npm install --save rverify

# Basic usage

Simply call action() to activate the verification modal.


res will return 3 different codes:

  • 0: Verify failed.
  • 1: Verify successful.
  • 2: No action.(Return the code when the modal is closed before it successfully verified.)

# Configuration

You can configure some parameters through RVerify.configure({}).

# mask

Type: Number
Default: 0.5

Set the mask transparency.

  mask: 0.5

# maskClosable

Type: Boolean
Default: false

Set whether click the mask can be closed.

  maskClosable: true

# closeIcon

Type: String
Default: (SVG CODE)

Set the modal close icon.

  closeIcon: '(Please copy the SVG code)'

NOTE: It's recommended to set the SVG icon width and height to 20px.

# sliderIcon

Type: String
Default: (SVG CODE)

Set the modal slider icon.

  sliderIcon: '(Please copy the SVG code)'

NOTE: It's recommended to set the SVG icon width and height to 20px.

# extraIcon

Type: String
Default: (SVG CODE)

Set the modal extra icon.

  extraIcon: '(Please copy the SVG code)'

NOTE: It's recommended to set the SVG icon width and height to 15px.

# tolerance

Type: Number
Default: 10

Set the verification tolerance range.(Range: 5°~45°)

  tolerance: 10

NOTE: In order to ensure a friendly verification effect, its value ranges from 5° to 45°.

# duration

Type: Number
Default: 500

Set the modal delay closing time.(Unit: ms)

  duration: 1000

# title

Type: String
Default: 身份验证

Set the modal title.

  title: 'Authentication'

# text

Type: String
Default: 拖动滑块,使图片角度为正

Set the modal text.

  text: 'Drag the slider to make the image angle positive.'

# extra

Type: String
Default: null

Set extra features at the bottom of the modal.

  extra: 'View on Npm'

# extraColor

Type: String
Default: #4E6EF2

Set extra features text color at the bottom of the modal.

  extraColor: '#1ca280'

Type: String
Default: https://github.com/zpfz

Set extra features link at the bottom of the modal.

  extraLink: 'https://www.npmjs.com/package/rverify'

# zIndex

Type: Number
Default: 9999

Set the modal z-index.

  zIndex: 1000

# album

Type: Array
Default: []

Set the modal randomly displayed image album.

  album: [

NOTE: An image needs to be set at least.

# Changelog

# 0.1.3

  • 🍀 Fixed verification image size to 152px
  • 🐞 Fixed the problem of mobile browser gestures affecting slider dragging

# 0.1.2

  • 🍀 Optimize rotation image algorithm logic

# 0.1.1

  • 🍀 Optimize slider/slider bar styles
  • 🍀 Optimize the error tip in development mode

# 0.1.0

  • 🍹 RVerify.js released

# 0.1.0-beta.2

# Contributors

This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute.

Feng L.H. Guojun Chen WampyCakes

# License

RVerify © 2020-present, Feng L.H. Released under the MIT License (opens new window).